Interview Things
This page contains some common questions that I ever faced when got into a job interview as a Frontend Engineer. Mostly contains technical questions. I'll prepare a quick answer later.
Description | Site Name |
React Interview Cheatsheet | 300 React Interview Question (opens in a new tab) |
Most Interview Questions for Frontend Engineer | Frontend Interview Handbook (opens in a new tab) |
Software Developer Interview FAQ | FullStack Cafe (opens in a new tab) |
- How UseEffect in React works? useEffect Hooks in React (opens in a new tab)
- What do you know about OOP? OOP Explanation video in 7 minutes (opens in a new tab)
- Explain the asynchronous process in JS. Full explanation (opens in a new tab)
- Is setTimeout is asynchronous or synchronous? It's asynchronous (opens in a new tab)
- What is callback hell in JS? Explanation about Callback hell in JS
- Controlled vs uncontrolled components? Explanation about both (opens in a new tab)
- Real DOM vs Virtual DOM? Quick explanation (opens in a new tab)
- Call by reference vs Call by Value in JS? Call by value vs call by reference (opens in a new tab)
- Access token vs ID token? Here's the difference (opens in a new tab)
- CSS padding vs Margin Here's the explanations (opens in a new tab)
- Explain about CSS positions? CSS Positions (opens in a new tab)
- HTML vs XHTML? HTML vs XHTML by W3schools (opens in a new tab)
- JS vs JSX? JS vs JSX based on official React Docs (opens in a new tab)
- UseRef and forwardRef? Tweet Discussion with Theodorus Clarence (opens in a new tab)